Photo Factory Demo 03) Ordering Custom Photo Gift from the Online Photo Factory


Once on the web kiosk, you can see all the category of products offered by the retailer you are ordering from. By clicking on a category, all the sub categories will appear.

Note, you can also filter the different products by theme if you are looking for a product to match a specific event. Click the plus icon in the top left of the sidebar and a list of themes will appear. Select the desired one and all the products matching this theme will appear.


Once you opened the sub category you want, in this case a leather cover photo book, you will see all the products offered. You can then click on the product to open the products page. Once on the page, you can see specifications for that product and select options when available. You can also choose from different page designs if you wish to further personalize your product.You can then click the begin creation button to start editing the product.

Note that only certain products allow for different designs and they will vary depending on your retailer.


You will then be redirected to the photo editor page. To start filling the template with your images, click the import button in the bottom left of the screen. 


You can now select which files you wish to upload to the templates. You can choose files from your storage device such as a USB key, a memory card or, you can upload photos from different websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and more.


Once all your pictures are selected, click the upload button in the bottom right of the dialogue box to upload them to your template.


When the photos are done uploading, you will be presented with the option to automatically fill the template. You can click process to accept or cancel to fill the images manually.


On some photo products, you have the option to add some text. For this photo book, there is already text on the cover page. To edit it, click on it and the text editor will appear in the sidebar. From there, you can change the text displayed, change the font, change the font size, edit the alignment and change the font color. 


Once the book as been filled with your images, you can edit every page manually. The first thing you can do is to change the image layout on the page. In the top of the sidebar, click the layout tab. You will then be presented with a choice of layouts each with different image placement and image count. You can also filter the layouts by image count. The numbers at the top of the sidebar represent the amount of images that each preset layout contain. Click on the desired layout and it will be applied to the page.

Careful. When changing the initial layout to another which uses less images, some photos will become unused. You can click the autofill button to fill unused pages at the end of the book with these pictures. Going to an empty page and selecting a new layout will also automatically fill the page with some image.


You can also add text on other pages by clicking the add text button located on top of the page you are editing. The next thing you can do to edit your book is to change the pages background designs. In the sidebar, click the design tab. You will be shown the background that are part of the design scheme you initially chose. By opening  the dropdown menu, you will be able to select other design themes all containing a variety of options to further personalize your book.

Note that you can add as many text zone per page as you want.


Once the photos are in the template, you can edit each image individually by clicking on it. The sidebar will now be the image edition menu where you can remove the image, zoom, swap, rotate and bring forward or backward if the layout allows for it. You can also manually move the image by clicking and dragging it.

When using the zoom function, the border of the image place holder may turn red. This means that your image is not filling the whole space. You will need to resize it and move it around until the border becomes green. 

The next thing you can do to edit your book is to change the pages background designs. In the sidebar, click the design tab. You will be shown the background that are part of the design scheme you initially chose. By opening  the dropdown menu, you will be able to select other design themes all containing a variety of options to further personalize your book.


If you have too many images for the initial amount of pages, in this case 20, you can click the add page button. This will add an extra page at the end of the book allowing you to fill it with your unused images. You can also delete a page using the remove page option

Careful. Depending on your retailer, the minimum amount of page per book may vary. If you go over this amount, an extra page fee may be applied for each pages over the minimum amount. You can always go back in the editor and remove the extra page.


Once you are done editing your photo product, click on the add to cart icon in the top right of the screen. You can then view options and review your order before checking out.

Note that if not all the pages are filled when clicking the add to cart button, a dialogue box will open asking you if you want to continue editing or order anyway. If you choose to continue editing you can go back an upload more photos to complete the book 

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