dakis Print Factory WebAPP FAQ

All you need to know

What is the cost to upgrade?
This is a FREE upgrade for all dakis clients, that’s how we roll! Not yet a dakis photo solutions client?  Get in touch at sales@dakis.com

How do I upgrade to this new Game Changing version?
You have nothing to do. The update is automatic and seamless. The update will be deployed on Tuesday November 15th 2016.

I have my own website, do I need to update any links (url)?
You have nothing to do, there is no need to update links (urls).
P.S. You should consider getting a dakis responsvie website or dakis website + mobile website for the best possible experience.  Contact sales@dakis.com

P.P.S. If you have a dakis website, you can take it easy, you have nothing more to do other than enjoy the update!

Can I select multiple images on an Android phone or Tablet?
Yes. Once in the Print Factory WebAPP
1. Select “choose file”
2. Select either document or photos (depending on your Android device)
3. You will either have the multi-image selection available or have the option to click and hold to activate the multi-image select.
Note: the multi-select feature is not available in some third party apps like Gallery.

Can I order from iCloud?
Yes! From your iPhone, iPad or Mac, once you are in the Print Factory WebAPP, hit “choose file” and select iCloud.  You can even access your iCloud account from your windows computer by installing iCloud for Windows, it’s that easy!

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