Creating Framed Prints in the Photo Factory

To build a Framed Print in the Photo Factory you will need a Thumbnail with a minimum of 500x500 pixels and a maximum of 1000x1000 pixels and saved as a jpg.

You will also need to prepare a Transparent png for the Frame image at 72 dpi with a hole in the middle to be used as a mask.

Next locate the Category and Sub-category you want your product to appear and click on the Unpublished number in the Product Catalog environment.

Click on the NEW FIXED PRODUCT button at the top of the page.

Click on the THUMBNAILS button under the no image default icon.

Locate your Thumbnail and click on SET AS THUMBNAIL. You will see your Thumbnail appear. Add the product Name and Description, scroll to the bottom and SAVE.

You will see your Custom Product appear in the UNPUBLISHED products section in your account. Click on the EDIT button next to your new product, this will bring you back to your Product Creation page.

Click on the NEW FIXED PRODUCT button at the top of the Pages section.

Under Name enter the frame size and print size (8x10 Black Frame with a 6.5 x 8.5 Print). Enter the dimensions of the page at 300 dpi and SAVE.

Next under Canvas click on Add Image.

A default cloud image will appear on the page. Enter the x, y, width, height values in the Images / Texts boxes in order to make the image placement the same size as the PRINT in the center of the page. Scroll to the bottom and SAVE.

Under Graphics click on LIBRARY and find your Frame.png that you prepared ahead of time and SET AS MASK.

You will see your mask appear on your page. Click on the mask and a pop-up will appear. Select USE AS MASK and UNCLICK RENDER. Scroll to the bottom and SAVE.

Click on the EDIT button to the right of the Specification & Tags section. Select all the radio buttons that apply to your product then Scroll to the bottom of the page and SAVE.

Select your product by clicking the box and click on the PUBLISH button.

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