8) dakis Lightspeed POS Connector settings - Pushing transactions to Lightspeed

One of the most time saving features of the dakis Ligthspeed POS connector is the ability to push your transactions to Lightspeed as sales in progress.

We've segregated the different transaction types to allow retailers to choose which transactions they want automatically sent through to their Lightspeed Retail POS. Your choices are:

- Online Hardgoods
- Online gifts and prints
- Kiosk gifts and prints

Note that for transactions to process properly, your dakis product SKUs must match what is found in Lightspeed retail. When the dakis connector pushes a transaction for which it can't find a matching product, it will automatically create one in Lightspeed retail. We do this so that your staff aren't faced with missing transactions when a customer comes to the til. 

Simply check the boxes next to the type of transactions you want sent automatically to Lightspeed Retail and click save.

NEXT: Pulling Lightspeed Product Details into MyDakis

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