Adding merchandise by UPC code - CSV upload

You can programatically add hardware merchandise to your MyDakis store via the UPC code. This will automatically import rich product information and link it to your unique store sku as well as set the initial selling price.

Head to the ADMIN tab.
In the left hand menu you'll find Import Merchandises.

The spreadsheet logo will allow you to download a sample file in which you can enter your information. We assume copy / pasting from a POS export or other source of information is your best bet. The file has four headings:

UPC: The UPC of your product (Required)
Regular Price: The regular price of your product (Required)
Sale Price: Any price below your regular price (Optional)
SKU: The stock keeping unit number of your product (Optional but highly recommended)

Quick note about UPC codes and spreadsheets. Numbers that are too long or start with zeros can quickly be truncated or converted to scientific notation. The removal of zeros is not such a big issue as our system will recognize that a short UPC should start with zeros but conversion to scientific notation will definitively cause errors. To avoid these, when working with UPC codes in a spreadsheet (even one from your POS) it is recomemnded to set the UPC column to a general or text setting. 

(In Excel, contextual click the columne heading, select format cells and in the number tab select text or general)

Once your file is ready, hit choose file and then import.

You will be prompted to head over to the CSV management page, where you can see the results of all CSV operations in your account.

By clicking on STATUS you can then download a report of the operation:

The report is essentially a CSV file with a result message in the last column.

Possible messages are:

(PRODUCT NAME) was added to your MyDakis inventory
Product line ('NAME') created for the product variation with (UPC)
Merchandise already in MyDakis inventory
Product is unpublished in WebPIM so no merchandise was not created
(UPC) not found in WebPim
Multiple Product Descriptions found for (UPC), please import product manually in MyDakis - (PRODUCT NAMES)
Merchandise already in MyDakis inventory
Contact for access to this (PRODUCT NAME). Your account does not have access to the category (CATEGORY NAME)

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