Users - Edit / Create

Edit user details, update the account role (available for owner / buyer), the default store associated to a user, change username or reset the password.

First Name / Last Name: These fields are used to identify your user
Phone Number: Optional contact information for your user.
Job Title: User's role within the company

Account Role: User's role in the account. Only the Owner user role can modify the role.
- Owner: Has access to all sections and settings
- Buyer: Has access to most settings except creating users as well as all the product pricing pages
- Customer Service: Has access exclusively to customer sales and customer accounts 
- Finance: Has access to reporting, customer sales and customer accounts
- Pro Event User: Specific subtype of user for internal pro event photographers. Once a user is made a pro event user it can not be converted back to another type. Requires the Pro Event Hub.

Associated Store: Default store location this user is associated with. Will affect the default displays in the orders section as well as the assignment of orders created by this user to their store.

Username: This is the login for the portal and official identifier for the user.
Email Address: Used for certain automatic system emails as well as password resets.

Reset password: This will send an email to the user's email address with a link to execute a password reset.

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