Shipping - Modes List

Manage the available shipping modes offered to customers in your ecommerce site.

In the Shipping Modes list you will see all of your active and deactivated shipping modes. There are other tags that can help you better understand the shipping modes:

In Store Pickup: This indicates that this 'shipping mode' is in fact an in store pickup method. This allows consumers to 'click and collection' from your ecommerce portal, ordering online and retrieving the item in store.

Free: This tag indicates that this shipping mode (or in store pick up method) is FREE and will apply the shipping rules if selected.

No price change: This tag indicates that the shipping mode will apply the shipping rules as is without any modifications.

PRICE * or +: This tag indicates that the shipping mode will modify the shipping rules by multiplying or adding to the base calculation.

ZONES: The amount of zones that this shipping mode applies to. Zones allow you to restrict geographically what regions a shipping mode is available.

The DEACTIVATE button will move a shipping mode to the Deactivated Shipping Modes list and make it unavailable at checkout. Alternatively, the ACTIVATE button will republish the shipping mode and make it available at checkout again.

To create a new shipping mode, use the CREATE MODE button in the top right of the page.

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