Shipping - Modes Create / Edit

Allows you to edit the details of the shipping modes and how they interact with shipping rules and zones.

Shipping Mode ID 

Name of Shipping Mode: Allows you to set the displayed name of the shipping mode
Shipping Mode SKU: Associates this SKU to the shipping line item. This is of particular important with POS integrations.
In Store Pick Up Method (Checkbox): Allows you to nominate a shipping mode as PICK UP IN STORE. This will affect the checkout by allowing consumers to choose a store location to pick up their order.

Shipping Zones

The shipping zones section allows you to select WHERE a shipping mode is available. Note that to be able to assocaite shipping zones, you first need to set your SHIPPING LOCATIONS and then you can create SHIPPING ZONES that utilize your available shipping locations.

This will restrict the shipping modes at checkout, in the below example, our Standard Ground Shipping setup above would only be available in Canada.

Shipping Charges

The shipping charges section allows you to modify how the shipping rates calculated via the shipping rules are affected by the choice of shipping mode. For example, if our standard ground shipping is the basic shipping mode, we would leave the multiplier at 1 and put nothing in additive. For an express delivery method where the estimated costs are twice what we would charge for ground shipping, we can set the multiplier to 2 or also add an extra flat rate to increase the cost of our premium shipping methods.

The free button in the top right of the card will set this shipping mode to cost nothing.

Estimated Delivery Time

The estimated delivery time will be displayed on the shipping mode selection during checkout, giving the consumer a bit more information about how long it will take to receive a product.

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