Shipping - Locations / Zones List

Shipping locations

The shipping location list allows you to restrict where in the world your online boutique can ship to. By default, customers of your online boutique can request shipping worldwide, unless you come and restrict the available locations.

By clicking EDIT LOCATION you'll be able to narrow down the countries and states / provinces where you want to sell to. In the below example, the online boutique will sell to the United States and Canada exclusively. Consumers will not be able to choose other shipping destinations.

Corresponding country drop down in checkout shown below:

Shipping Zones

The shipping zones list allows you to regroup various locations into sub zones for shipping purposes. This allows you to offer specific shipping modes to certain shipping zones.

You can create new shipping zones using the CREATE ZONE button in the top right of the card. Edit will allow you to modify a zone and the garbage can will delete a zone.

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