How to Export Report Data in CSV

How to Export Report Data in CSV format

This reporting system offers you different uses of the dashboard reports.  You can share them, or export them in CSV.  Here is how to EXPORT the data in CSV format.

In every dashboard, you will find one or more reports (some will be tables, some will be graphics): all of them can be exported into CVS format.  Centered at the top of each report, you will find the Report Title.  Besides every title, there is a drop-down arrow ˅ which you need to click and hover to Inspect / then Data.  In the example below, the Title reads as ''List Generation Tool'' and has been taken from the Email Blast Tool dashboard.


Once you have commanded Data Inspect, you will see a panel opening on the left-hand side of your screen.  You will need to format the data by turning all toggles ON (see highlighted toggles in the example below) and then hit Download:


The CVS files will download on your device and ( in most Windows OS) a shortcut to open it will pop up at the bottom of your screen.

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