Photo Factory 01) Importing Photo Gift Templates
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- Open the Photo Factory Tab of your MyDakis Account
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Click on the number under the Available column to open the templates you haven't imported into your account yet.
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Click on the import button to bring the templates into your Unpublished Section.
We recommend pulling in all templates and putting those you don't intend on offering in the graveyard section. This way, you can easily see when new templates are added to your account by our designers.
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You can also filter by collection at the import step allowing you to choose core Dakis templates, wholesale templates or IPI MSP templates.
When importing a large number of templates, it can take the system several minutes to populate your category. This is specifically true when dealing with greeting cards and canvas sizes as those categories can have thousands of templates if you have many collections available.
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Once the system has finished importing templates, they will be placed in the UNPUBLISHED column. At this point you can decide to publish or graveyard the individual product templates. This is covered in Publishing Photo Factory Template