Photo Factory 02) Publishing Photo Factory Templates
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- Open the Photo Factory Tab of your MyDakis Account
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Click on the number under the Unpub. column to open the templates that are currently in your unpublished folder
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You can either select templates by checking the individual check boxes and checking the publish button OR you can use the parametric search in the left hand side to filter templates according to size / format / type and then simply publish all products that meet a certain criteria by using the publish all button.
We recommend importing all templates in the initial step and putting those you don't intend on offering in the graveyard section. This way, you can easily see when new templates are added to your account by our designers.
The following controls near the top allow you to publish / unpublish / graveyard one selected template OR publish / unpublish / graveyard all templates that match the left hand filtering
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You can either select templates by checking the individual check boxes and checking the publish button OR you can use the parametric search in the left hand side to filter templates according to size / format / type and then simply publish all products that meet a certain criteria by using the publish all button. In the below situation we are publishing all Flat Card 2 Sided that are 5x7 in size.
Not that simply checking the parametric search boxes is not sufficient, you need to click the SEARCH button in the left hand side prior to clicking PUBLISH ALL.