Kiosk Demo 02) Ordering Photo Prints from the Kiosk


Click anywhere on the rotating banner to access the kiosk menu


To print your pictures, click on the photo print icon


Select the source which contains the pictures you want to print. You can also select pictures from your facebook or instagram account by logging in. 

You can choose pictures from multiple sources at the same time. 


To select the desired pictures, click on them. A small checkmark should appear in the bottom right of each pictures you selected. You can also click on the select all if you know you want to print all the pictures in the folder. Once you have selected all your pictures, click the continue button. You will be redirected to the print selection page. 


On the print selection page, you can individually select print sizes for each pictures by clicking the add icon that corresponds with the size you want to add. You can add as many prints per sizes and as many print sizes per picture. 


When selecting a print size, you can instantly crop the image by clicking and dragging the arrow in the bottom of the image.

Note that if a red indicator appears in  the top left of the cropping zone, this means that the image will be of bad quality when printing since it will be too small


If you have a lot of photos to print and wish to apply the same print size to every image, click the batch order option in the top right of the screen. You can then select print sizes that will apply to every photos in your order.

Careful, If you already had selected print sizes, they will be replaced by the ones selected in the batch order.


You can also change print groups by clicking on the dropdown menu and selecting a different group. Once you chose the print group, you will be presented with the different sizes offered.

These print groups may differ depending on the retailer you are ordering from.


By clicking on the image tools tab, you will be presented with a multitude of options such as rotating the image and the crop, maximizing the crop and more.


To edit an images appearance, click the colors and effects tab. You can adjust the image brightness and contrast by clicking the image balance option. 

Note that by clicking the revert icon, your image will revert back to the original settings


By clicking the colors and filters option, you can add filters to your image. In this case, we have access to a black and white filter and to a sepia filter.


Once you are done configuring your order, click the next button in the top right of the screen. You will then access the order options page. You can add a paper finish to your prints, a photo border and archive your photos on a cd or dvd. 

These photo options may differ depending on the retailer you are ordering from.


When you are done configuring the order options, click the next button in the top right of the screen. This will bring you to the order review stage. You can go back and edit a specific photo using the edit button for that image or you can delete a picture from your order. 


Once you have reviewed your order, click the next button and you will then enter your checkout information. Once this is done, click the finish button in the top right of the screen and you are done. 

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