Kiosk Demo 03) Ordering Templated Photo Gift from the Kiosk


Click anywhere on the rotating banner to start your order.


On the menu page, click on the photo products icon to access the web kiosk.


Once on the web kiosk, you can either choose to see all product or click on the category itself if you know what you are looking for. If you chose to see all products, you can see the different categories and sub-categories in the sidebar.


You can also filter the different products by theme if you are looking for a product to match a specific event. Click the plus icon in the top left of the sidebar and a list of themes will appear. Select the desired one and all the products matching this theme will appear.


Once you found the product you wish to order, click on it to open the product's page. Once on the page, you can see specifications for that product and select options when available. You can then click the begin creation button to start editing the product.


You will then be redirected to the photo editor page. To start filling the template with your images, click the import button in the bottom left of the screen. 


You can now select which files you wish to upload to the templates. You can choose files from your storage device such as a USB key, a memory card or you can upload photos from different websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and more.


Once all your pictures are selected, click the upload button in the bottom right of the dialogue box to upload them to your template.


When the photos are done uploading, you will be presented with the option to automatically fill the template. You can click process to accept or cancel to fill the images manually.


Once the photos are in the template, you can edit each image individually by clicking on it. The sidebar will now be the image edition menu where you can remove the image, zoom, swap, rotate and bring forward or backward if the layout allows for it.  


When using the zoom option, the image border may turn red. This indicates that the image is not filling the entire area and you will not be able to apply the changes. You will have to enlarge the image until the borders become green again using the slider or the corners of the image. 


If you want to replace an image, click the the image to select it and click the swap button in the sidebar. The sidebar will now be all the images you have imported. Click on the one you want to swap to your template.


When removing an image with the remove option in the sidebar, you will notice that your template now as an empty place. Click on it and then click the image you want to add. 


Once you are done editing your photo product, click on the add to cart icon in the top right of the screen. You can then view options and review your order before checking out.

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