4) Setting up your Lightspeed Tax Region IDs in MyDakis

Your Lightspeed Retail POS will have to recalculate the taxe on your kiosk / online sales. To do so properly, you have to link your MyDakis tax regions with your Lightspeed Retail Tax categories. This is done by inputting your Lightspeed Retail Tax Category ID into your MyDakis tax region.

Once you've linked your MyDakis account to your Lightspeed Retail Account, you'll notice on the very same page of the MyDakis.com (the admin tab / left hand menu Light Speed POS - Configuration) that you have three new areas:

Shop and Register ID
Employee ID
Tax category list

Click on Get tax category list, this will pull the required information into your MyDakis account temporarily so you don't have to go search for it in your Lightspeed Retail account. Take note of your Tax Category IDs as well as a way to know which ID is for which region, as you'll have to enter those in the next step.

Navigate to the Tax regions tables in your MyDakis.com account by going to the Shopping Cart tab, left hand menu Taxes - Tables. 

Click on EDIT for the region you want to modify, you will be able to add your Lightspeed Retail Tax Category ID the POS TAX ID (optional) field. Hit save when done.

NEXT: Selecting a default register

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