Webstore 01) Adding Products to your Webstore Inventory

In this article, we will show you how to add products to your webstore inventory.


Open the Inventory Tab of your MyDakis account.

Click on the category in the sidebar you want to add products to (you can also click on the category on the overview page)
Click on the add new products button.
In the pop-up, you can search for the product you want to add. (be sure to un-check show new only if you want to see the all available choices)
Select the products you want to add by clicking their respective checkboxes and hit the save button .
From here, you can go on to edit your products details as needed. (See: Editing Product Details for more info)

When categories are first created or added to your account, they start in the "PLACE UNUSED CATEGORIES HERE, THEY WON'T SHOW UP ON YOUR WEBSITE" Folder on the overview page, these categories will not show in your webstore until you move them under another header. For more information, see: Organizing your Webstore Categories

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