Responsive Pro Event Quickstart Guide

Congrats, you just got your shiny new responsive Pro Event website! In this guide we'll explain how to manage your account and website.

When you first get access to your MyDakis account there are a few things that need to be set up in order to start getting orders. 

Editing Your Website

When your account is created you will also get a separate login to your website editor so you can start adding your text/images to your new site. The login portal for the website editor is always

When you login to the website editor you landing a portal page which shows you the active website. You can simply click on Edit to start editing the site

The website editor is very simple to use, it's just a matter of clicking on a widget (text, images, etc etc) and just editing the content. For example, if you want to add/remove images to the slider on the homepage, you simply click on the widget and then you can add/remove images:

Pro Tip: Anytime there is a field to enter Alt Text, it is highly recommended to fill it out. Alt Text is text you enter which describes what the image is. This is particularly important for SEO and Accessibility of the website. Most image widgets will have the option to add Alt Text to them.

To edit text on the website, you simply just click in the text area and type away!

Any text field you click on, a toolbar appears above the text. This is how you can format your text. If you want to make text bold, or change the heading, or add a link within the text, you simply select the text you want to format and use the toolbar to change the styling. If for whatever reason you want to reset the text styling, you can simply click the 'Clear Format' button:

The website editor also has an undo function so if you accidentally delete something, you can undo it:

With all of our templates, we preload some SEO icons by default. The Favicon, Opengraph Icon and Home Icon but you can change these yourself if you do not want to use our preloaded ones:

The favicon is the little icon that appears on a browser tab and when you bookmark a website, the recommended size is 32x32 pixels.

The Open Graph image is used when a site is shared on social media, the recommended size is 1200x630 pixels.

The Home Screen icon is used when someone adds the website to their home screen on their phone or tablet, the recommended size is 57x57 pixels.

There are also certain widgets on the website that are connected to data points. For example, your social media icons. Because they are in multiple locations we set it up so it's connected to one data point for easy editing. 

If you have a physical location for your business, it's also highly recommended to fill out all the information in the Business Info section of the site. If not then just editing your social media is fine.

Any photo gallery widget on the website can also be linked to an Instagram account so it can pull in a certain amount of posts and gets updated automatically if you post anything new on instagram. You simply click on a photo gallery widget and then click the 'Connect to Instagram' and login with your Instagram credentials:

The website form on your website can also contain multiple email address to send any form responses to. You can simply click on the widget, click the Submission tab and then add multiple email addresses there:

NOTE: It is very important to put at least one email address there otherwise you will not be notified if anyone uses the form to contact you.

Setting Your Website Domain

When you're all ready to make the website live then you can set your default Website URL. It is important to have your domain DNS settings pointed to us in order for the website to work. There are a ton of domain providers so you might need to contact your domain provider if you need help changing the A Record and www CNAME of your domain.

The @ A Record needs to point to
The www CNAME needs to point to

Once you have your domain set then you can publish the website to your domain. By default we always supply a temporary URL so you need to change the default URL of the website:

When your website is published you will see this screen

So then you know that it was successful and you can go to your domain to see your website!

Additional Information

Changing your website URL

You first need to contact in order to inform us about the URL change because we need to change the website URL related to the account in our system.

If you ever need to change your website URL you can simply click on the 'i' icon in the website editor and click on Change Site URL:

You can then enter your new website URL in the field and click Save:

The site will then publish and it can take up to two hours for the website to switch to the new URL.

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